Abstract (eng)
While the Flexicurity-Model is well established as a government principal in Denmark, Austria was confronted with it for the first time during the corona-pandemic in 2020-2021 since the guidelines set by the EU. Leaning on the basic principles defined by Seiffert and Keller (2002), the labour market situations in the two countries were examined with the methodical comparative case study analysis during the period of the pandemic in the years 2020 and 2021 with regard to the application of the flexicurity model and the resulting economic and socio-political consequences. There was a comparison of developments and published statistics from WHO, ILO and OECD, but also national agencies such as Statistics Austria and Denmark or AMS Austria and Denmark. This resulted in a slight
advantage on Denmark in the spontaneous reaction to the extreme economic situation, which can be traced back to the infrastructural (flexible) labour market conditions and the progress made in digitalization. There are a few significant differences in the investment in human capital, which includes the education sector and Lifelong Learning, and the basic income support. The same applies to unemployment, which is in Denmark increasingly being combated by propaganda and the provision of educational skill expansion, though.