Description (en)
Public event of the Reading Circle of the Research Group “Poststructuralism, Gender Theory, Psychoanalysis” at the University of Vienna.
June 15th, 2022
Avital Ronell (New York)
"The Many Closures of Deconstruction"
Lecture and Discussion (online)
Avital Ronell is Professor for German and Comparative Literature at New York University and one of the most radical thinkers of our time. In her work, she has written extensively about deconstruction, poststructuralism, feminist philosophy, technical philosophy, political theory and psychoanalysis.
Since 2021 the Reading and Research Circle PS-GT-PA (initiated by Arno Böhler) includes public events additionally to the monthly readings. This lecture follows a workshop in December with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi on “The Three Ecologies”.
Keywords (de)
Poststrukturalismus, Dekonstruktion, Ronell, Derrida, Psychoanalyse, Gender Theory