Abstract (eng)
The Olympic Winter Games have continuously developed since the Olympic Games 1948. This development can be seen in increasing numbers of participants, an increasing ratio of women to men and an increasing number of Olympic disciplines. In 1994 the Olympic Winter Games have experienced a major change by the separation from the Olympic Summer Games and implementation of an interval of four years – midway between the Summer Olympics. Austria’s medal count rose between the years 1948 and 2022, when looked at in its entirety. Compared to neighboring countries and reference countries, that were selected due to demographic-economic aspects, Austrian athletes achieve very good international results regarding medal ranks and top-8 placements at the Olympic Winter Games. Despite the vast development and numerous modifications since 1948, the motto of the Olympic Games „Höher, schneller, weiter!“ remains the same till this day. Gaining a victory at the Olympic Games is a lifetime dream of each and every athlete (vgl. Karin Kreuzpaintner, 2012, S. 7–9).