Abstract (eng)
Anti-street harassment organizations still represent a research desideratum in the current social science debate. For this reason, a qualitative research design was used to examine Austrian Catcallsof-accounts from a dispositivist perspective based on the concept of feminist resistance. Using grounded theory and situational analysis, the conditions, characteristics and contexts of the members' feminist resistance could be identified and, based on this, connections to public sphere theory approaches could be identified. On the basis of the research it could be shown that the Catcallsof-members share a special conception of the public sphere on the basis of the development of a feminist consciousness and a feminist resistance, which characterizes a production of counterpublics according to Nancy Fraser and is produced within the framework of an digital-analog resistance. This resistance is characterized by hybrid and inseparable practices of resistance. Methodologically, the work continuously dealt with the insurmountable role conflict for research in one's own social movement and how this could be integrated productively and reflectively into the research design.