Abstract (eng)
This thesis treats election campaigns of the five biggest parties during the state elections 2023 in Lower Austria and their effects on voters. After a general introduction into politics in Lower Austria, each party is characterized. Then, the relevant styles of campaigning, candidate-centered, issuecampaigning, negative campaigning and populism, are identified and described. Different levels of effects of these styles are as followed: attidude, behavior or changes in knowledge. After a description of the method, a short qualitative content analysis of the parties campaigns as well as six focus groups, that were conducted during the last two weeks before the campaign, exciting results could be identified: The ÖVP used a very candidate-centered campaign, the SPÖ focussed on its candidate as well as issues. Die Grünen and NEOS focussed on specific issues, the FPÖ mostly used negative campaiging and populist elements. Those campaigns were assessed differently by the voters: The campaign of the ÖVP was described as unsubstantial and not motivating, the connection of its candidate and the presented issues was the biggest weakness of the SPÖ. Die Grünen and NEOS talked about issues, however on a too tight spectrum or simply weren’t present enough. Altough ideological differences exist, the campaign of the FPÖ was described as very professional. All in all, this thesis shall also help building a better level of political culture in Austria.