In our Age of Information, the new catchword, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is established
more and more. Till now I heard in this context the term Digital Age or fitting for our children
the combination of Digital Generation. So – how do you understand this catchword?
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very comprehensive one. Journalists or public
speakers use it very often because it includes everything that sounds up to date and
interesting news - in life and work. Most of us know: Information Technology (IT) and
Industrial Production by robots are involved. It’s fascinating but not yet exactly understandable.
This term is not new; it was created in 1950 in the USA but its content is just now in
the centre of the actual IT world.
Scientific thinking people need to create more staying and definitive terms. They want
understand connections to the original reasons.
Therefore, I try in the following text a discussion of some headwords in this connection. We
need to know, what AI is.