Abstract (eng)
This doctoral thesis is a compilation of four submitted publications and in addition two further preprints containing various results in combinatorial set theory. All presented results aim to study applications of forcing to the existence of various maximal combinatorial families of reals of desired cardinalities, as well as the relations between the existence of combinatorial families of different types. The set of cardinalities of maximal combinatorial families of reals of a certain type is called its spectrum, whereas the minimal cardinal in the spectrum is called the corresponding cardinal characteristic. More explicitly, we study forcing notions to construct, extend and preserve various types of combinatorial families of reals in order to realize various spectra and separate different cardinal characteristics from one another. The types of families of central interest for this thesis are partitions of Baire space into compact sets, cofinitary groups and Van Douwen families, which correspond to the cardinal characteristics $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$, $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{g}}$ and $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{v}}$, respectively. The first paper constituting the thesis studies a forcing notion to add a partition of Baire space into compact sets of desired size. The set of cardinalities of such partitions is denoted by $\text{spec}(\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}})$ and its minimum is the cardinal characteristic $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$. Under {\sf CH} we construct a partition of Baire space into compact sets, which is indestructible by countably supported iterations or products of Sacks forcing of any length, thus answering a question of NewelskiThis doctoral thesis is a compilation of four submitted publications and in addition two further preprints containing various results in combinatorial set theory. All presented results aim to study applications of forcing to the existence of various maximal combinatorial families of reals of desired cardinalities, as well as the relations between the existence of combinatorial families of different types. The set of cardinalities of maximal combinatorial families of reals of a certain type is called its spectrum, whereas the minimal cardinal in the spectrum is called the corresponding cardinal characteristic. More explicitly, we study forcing notions to construct, extend and preserve various types of combinatorial families of reals in order to realize various spectra and separate different cardinal characteristics from one another. The types of families of central interest for this thesis are partitions of Baire space into compact sets, cofinitary groups and Van Douwen families, which correspond to the cardinal characteristics $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$, $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{g}}$ and $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{v}}$, respectively. The first paper constituting the thesis studies a forcing notion to add a partition of Baire space into compact sets of desired size. The set of cardinalities of such partitions is denoted by $\text{spec}(\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}})$ and its minimum is the cardinal characteristic $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$. Under {\sf CH} we construct a partition of Baire space into compact sets, which is indestructible by countably supported iterations or products of Sacks forcing of any length, thus answering a question of Newelski. As an application, we provide an in-depth isomorphism-of-names argument for $\text{spec}(\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}) = \{\aleph_1, \mathfrak{c}\}$ in product-Sacks models. Finally, we prove that Shelah's ultrapower model for the consistency of $\mathfrak{d} < \mathfrak{a}$ satisfies $\mathfrak{a} = \mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$. Thus, consistently $\aleph_1 < \mathfrak{d} < \mathfrak{a} = \mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$ holds relative to a measurable. The second paper aims to generalize our construction of a partition of Baire space into compacts sets, which is indestructible by any product or iteration of Sacks forcing, to other combinatorial families. Say a combinatorial family of reals is universally Sacks-indestructible if it is indestructible by any countably supported iteration or product of Sacks forcing of any length. We introduce the notion of an arithmetical type of combinatorial family of reals, which serves to generalize different types of families such as mad families, maximal cofinitary groups, ultrafilter bases, splitting families and other similar types of families commonly studied in combinatorial set theory. We prove that every combinatorial family of reals of arithmetical type, which is indestructible by the countable product of Sacks forcing, is in fact universally Sacks-indestructible. Further, under {\sf CH} we present a unified construction of universally Sacks-indestructible families for various arithmetical types of families. In particular, we prove the existence of a universally Sacks-indestructible maximal cofinitary group under {\sf CH}. The third paper extends the state-of-the-art proof techniques for realizing various spectra of $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$. The best result in this context by Brian may only realize a certain bounded spectrum of $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$ once some minimum for the desired spectrum is fixed. Under the additional assumption $\aleph_1 \in \text{spec}(\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}})$ we remove this boundedness assumption in order to realize arbitrarily large spectra. Thus, we make significant progress in addressing the question posed by Brian if the boundedness assumption may be completely removed. As a by-product, we obtain many complete subforcings and an algebraic analysis of the automorphisms of the forcing which adds a witness for the spectrum of $\mathfrak{a}_{\text{T}}$ of desired size. The fourth paper introduces the notion of tightness for maximal cofinitary groups, which captures forcing indestructibility of maximal cofinitary groups for a long list of partial orders, including Cohen, Sacks, Miller, Miller partition forcing and Shelah's poset for diagonalizing maximal ideals. We prove the existence of such a tight cofinitary group under {\sf MA}($\sigma$-centered). Further, we establish the consistency of a co-analytic witness for $\aG$ of size $\aleph_1$ together with $\d = \aleph_1 < \aleph_2 = \c$ and the existence of a $\Delta^1_3$-definable well-order of the reals. Towards this end, we develop a new robust coding technique for cofinitary groups, where a real is coded into the lengths of orbits of every new word. Crucially, compared to other coding techniques for cofinitary groups our new coding is parameter-less and hence may be applied to groups of uncountable size. Furthermore, as we code into orbits rather than actual function values, a more general generic hitting lemma required for tightness holds. In the manuscript we consider the isomorphism types of (maximal) cofinitary groups. In general, a full classification of the possible isomorphism types of (maximal) cofinitary groups is open, but there a various partial results. For example, Kastermans proved that consistently $\bigoplus_{\aleph_1} \mathbb{Z}_2$ may have a cofinitary action. We improve this result by showing that {\sf ZFC} already proves the existence of a cofinitary action of $\bigoplus_{\mathfrak{c}} \mathbb{Z}_2$. Finally, we provide some new results regarding Van Douwen families. Van Douwen families are maximal eventually different families that remain maximal after restricting the domains of all functions to any infinite subset. First, we show that similar to the spectrum of $\a$ and $\aT$, the spectrum of Van Douwen families is closed under singular limits. Further, for any maximal eventually different family Raghavan defined an associated ideal which measures how far the family is from being Van Douwen. Under {\sf CH} we prove that every non-principal ideal is realized as the associated ideal of some maximal eventually different family, i.e. there are many different non Van Douwen families. Finally, we show that the standard forcing realizing a desired spectrum of $\aE$ forces $\a$ to have the same spectrum.