Abstract (eng)
This thesis presents a microscope system for the analysis of supported lipid bilayers (SLBs). The setup acts as a benchmarking scheme for the novel technique of optical near-field electron microscopy (ONEM). ONEM is a label free, non-invasive method for imaging processes at interfaces. SLBs are suited as exploratory samples for ONEM because of their two-dimensional structure and their biological relevance as model membranes. We designed and assembled a setup combining two complementary microscopy techniques, for comparison with future ONEM measurements of SLBs. The first of these techniques is interferometric scattering (iScat) microscopy. It is based on the interference of the electromagnetic field scattered by a nanoscopic sample with a plane reference field. iScat is a label-free approach and highly sensitive to small contrast changes. Therefore, it is ideally suited as a reference for ONEM, as the illumination light interacts with the sample in the same way. The second technique is fluorescence microscopy, specifically fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). FRAP is a quantitative tool for the analysis of diffusion behaviour in liquids. Together with iScat, this creates a versatile setup for the analysis of SLB dynamics. This thesis describes the design and construction process of the optical setup and its control software. The microscope’s characteristics are classified and analysed, and algorithms for data analysis are introduced. Finally, initial results for lipid bilayer measurements with the presented setup are reported: For iScat imaging, a sensitivity noise floor of 3e-4 was achieved. Real-time SLB formation was imaged simultaneously in the iScat and fluorescence channel. FRAP analysis yielded realistic diffusion coefficients for the investigated lipid mixtures.