Vojta et al. 2024 - A global re-analysis of regionally resolved emissions and
atmospheric mole fractions of SF6 for the period 2005-2021
The data is organized in monthly files, each containing global 3D daily-resolved mole fraction fields of the respective
months. Those fields were modeled using FLEXPART 8-CTM-1.1 (available from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1249190). We
operated FLEXPART-CTM in a domain-filling mode, where 80 million virtual particles were dispersed globally in proportion to
air density. Released particles are tracked forward in time and carry both an air tracer and the chemical species SF6. When
they reside in the atmospheric boundary layer, the model accounts for SF6 emissions by increasing the SF6 masses of the
respective particles. We run the model with the 0.5°×0.5° ERA5 data set and produce daily average output with a resolution
of 3°×2°. Furter, a nudging routine is used to push the simulated mole fractions towards the observations within predefined
kernels centered around the measurement locations. Notice, that observations used for nudging were standardized to SIO-2005
calibration scale.
For more information see Vojta et al. 2024 (ACP)