The short film THE LEBENSPLANER COMES TO LIFE explores the multilayered interactions inherent to the collaborative process of creating and developing a new interactive museum object. We are conveying glimpses of how the Lebensplaner becomes part of the exhibition of the Museum for Contraception and Abortion in Vienna.
THE LEBENSPLANER COMES TO LIFE (2022) was made by Elitsa Kapusheva, Simona Dalla Valle, and Marlene Walchshofer, in collaboration with Diana Riegler, Ben Posch, and Clemens Reichholf during the Ma course "Visual Ethnographies of Science", taught at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology (KSA) of the University of Vienna. The course was taught by Sarah Davies and Sanderien Verstappen, with tutoring of Viktoria Paar.
eda – Ethnographic Data Archive/Vienna University Library
eda – Ethnographisches Datenarchiv/UB Wien