Intra-Nationalist Fighting in the Angolan Liberation Struggle: Exploring the Case of the Eastern Front (1966-1974)
João Fusco Ribeiro
Research Center in Political Science (CICP), University of Évora, Portugal
Description (eng)
In this article, I examine the intra-nationalist rivalry between Angolan anticolonial guerrillas during the Liberation Struggle (1966-1974), paying particular attention to the personal war experiences of rural communities on the Eastern Front. This is done through a prosopographical approach based on archival research of interrogation transcripts from the Intelligence Service of the Portuguese State Police (PIDE-DGS) of guerrillas and civilians captured by the colonial authorities or who abandoned life in the bush under the control of the liberation movements. Contributing to the rich scholarly literature on African liberation movements, this article sheds light on how the permanent civil war between nationalist guerrillas reinforced the instrumentalization of violence against civilians, significantly affected the anticolonial struggle, and reverberated in the Angolan decolonization process (1974-1975).
Angolan Liberation StruggleEastern FrontMPLAUNITAPIDEFratricidal Warpersonal war experiences