Abstract (eng)
Exploring the classical to quantum transition at ever-increasing mass scales is the key goal in modern physics. With precise control over the translational and rotational degrees of levitated nanoparticles in ultra-high vacuum, these particles are promising candidates for probing quantum mechanical behavior. We aim to operate interference experiments with masses around 10^7 amu, which would increase the current mass limit by three orders of magnitude and the macroscopicity by more than five orders. In current state-of-the-art experiments, the maximal achieved delocalization of the particles on the order of 100 pm exceeding the zero-point motion. For coherence length over the particle extent, rotational interference schemes like rotational revivals or tennis racket flips have been proposed. They require both translational and rotational quantum control beyond the particle, ensuring a defined position and orientation. This is achieved by cooling the motion in its quantum regime. While translational ground state cooling has already been performed in one and two dimensions, the ground state in the system’s librational modes remains outstanding. However, this is not crucial for performing rotational interference. In our experiment, we explicitly investigate the rotational optomechanics in a high-finesse cavity with coherent scattering cooling. Therefore, we launch non-spherical silica nanoparticles using laser induced acoustic desorption and trap them in an optical tweezer and along the standing wave of the cavity. We characterize the particle asymmetry by evaluating its translational damping and determine its shape. Based on the analysis, we trap nano-dumbbells consisting of two anisotropic spheres, sticking together. Determined by the shape, the particle orients inside the elliptical polarized trap, leading to librational motion. We detect two librational modes directly, and we can modulate their frequencies by the tweezer ellipticity. At pressures below 1 mbar, the librational modes couple through the third diffusive rotation, forming two hybrid modes. From the resulting frequency separation, we obtain the rotation frequency, characterizing the undetected mode. We observe this free evolution destabilizing the ?- and ?-motion, rendering the transfer to high-vacuum challenging. To address this, we optically drive rotation around the tweezer axis to stabilize the particle orientation. Scattered light from the particle populates the initially empty cavity. Depending on the degrees of freedom, the particle motion couples to one of the two orthogonally polarized cavity modes. By blue-detuning the cavity modes with respect to the optical tweezer, Anti-Stokes scattering is enhanced, and carries away motional energy. We observe the coupling of five degrees of freedom to their respective mode and demonstrate three-dimensional translational cooling. At a pressure of 10^−4 mbar, we achieve final temperatures of 36 mK, 129 mK and 105 mK for the ?-, ?-, ?-motion respectively, corresponding to an occupation number in each mode of ∼ 20 × 10^3. The final temperature is primarily limited due to laser phase noise. We overcome this limit by phase noise reduction around the relevant particle frequencies using an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer. According to our simulation, this will enable ground state cooling along the two observed librational degrees of freedom, in the near future.