Description (eng)
Collection containing open resources of 'Evidence for a shared cognitive mechanism underlying relative rhythmic and melodic perception'.
### Structure
Collection contains three zipped member objects (see below), containing all resources necessary for reproduction of the experiment.
### _**experiment**_
Folder contains all resources required to reproduce the experiment in Labvanced.
- _**labvanced_rhythm&melody_relative.json**_
JSON file that contains the entire logic of the experiment. Can be imported in Labvanced _**Studies**_ screen.
- _**stimuli**_
Contains subfolders with all wav versions of all stimuli used. Additionally contains csv files with stimulus details.
### _**statistics**_
Folder contains all resources required to reproduce statistical analyses.
- _**data**_
Contains all raw data exported from Labvanced.
- _**stats.Rmd**_
R Markdown with all data preprocessing, figure generation and statistical analyses.
- _**stats.Rproj**_
R Project.
- _**stimuli**_
Contains subfolders with csv files of all stimulus details. Same csv files as in the _**experiment**_ folder.
### _**stimulus generation**_
Contains all resources used to generate stimuli. See _**README**_ in folder for details.