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Title (deu)
Religion in Japan
Ein digitales Handbuch
Digitization note (eng)
Web Archive Zipped, crawled with browsertrix-crawler ( Wacz size: (2.27MB). Since the last version (o:2071300), the following pages have been modified (non-exhaustive list): Bild:Otogoze.jpg (edit: 23/10/2024; log: 23/10/2024; edit: 22/10/2024), Mythen/Goetter des Himmels/Mythentexte (edit: 22/10/2024), Mythen/Goetter des Himmels (edit: 22/10/2024), Bild:Uzume spinner.jpg (edit: 22/10/2024; edit: 23/09/2024; log: 23/09/2024), Mythen/Goetter der Erde/Jinmu Tenno (edit: 19/10/2024), Geschichte/Terauke/Daimyatsshinto (edit: 17/10/2024), Mythen/Imaginaere Tiere (edit: 09/10/2024; edit: 08/10/2024), Bild:Sonne mond kinmozui.jpg (edit: 08/10/2024; log: 08/10/2024), Bild:Shishi kinmozui.jpg (edit: 08/10/2024), Bild:Fukurokuju kinmozui.jpg (edit: 07/10/2024), Literatur:Forrer 1988 (edit: 07/10/2024; new: 07/10/2024), Geschichte/Nichiren/Heiligenvita (edit: 07/10/2024), Essays/Herrigels Zen (edit: 30/09/2024), Alltag/Schreinpriester (edit: 26/09/2024), Mythen/Goetter des Himmels/Uzume (edit: 23/09/2024; edit: 03/09/2024), Essays/Horrorklassiker (edit: 21/09/2024), Bild:Oiwa kuniyoshi.jpg (edit: 21/09/2024), Bild:Sartahiko uzume eitaku.jpg (edit: 03/09/2024).
Abstract (eng)
The digital handbook provides basic information on the two main religions of Japan, Buddhism and Shinto, covering their history as well as their modern forms. It is meant as an introduction for students of Japanese or Religious Studies, but is also useful for general readers with an interest in Japanese culture. The handbook consists of eight thematic groups (or "chapters") that contain altogether about 170 articles, more than 1500 illustrations and an index of more than 2000 specialist terms.
Keywords (eng)
religionJapanBuddhismShintoreligious historyJapanese studies
Subject (eng)
ÖFOS 2012 -- 602020 -- Japanese studies
Type (eng)
Persistent identifier
Format (eng)
Object type
19.12.2024 09:16:14