An Overview of Digital Preservation Considerations for Production of “Preservable” e-Records: An Indian e-Government Case Study
Subtitle (en)
Paper - iPRES 2012 - Digital Curation Institute, iSchool, Toronto
Description (en)
In the Indian context, when the e-government records are received for archival purpose, it is observed that very often they are produced without proper compliances for long term digital preservation. This paper presents a case study of e-district Mission Mode Project which offers diverse citizen services and produces the e-records such as birth certificates, domicile certificates, marriage certificates, caste certificates, etc in very large volumes. Such born digital e-government records have to be retained and preserved for technological and legal reasons. The Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation established at C- DAC, Pune, India has carried out the study of e-record production process in the e-district and the need analysis for its digital preservation. The digital preservation best practices are identified, which have to be incorporated in the production process of e- records, so that the final e-records are produced in “preservable” form with full compliance as per the requirements of OAIS.
Keywords (en)
iPRES, iSchool, Toronto, Canada, e-Government, Digital Preservation, Electronic Records, Fixed Digital Object, Preservation Description Information (PDI), Submission Information Package (SIP), Open Archival Information System (OAIS)