Description (en)
Fedora is a flexible, extensible repository platform for the management and dissemination of digital content. Fedora 4, the newly released, revitalized version of Fedora, introduces a host of new features and functionality that both new and existing Fedora users are interested in learning about and experiencing first-hand.
This tutorial will provide an introduction to and overview of Fedora 4, with a focus on the latest features. Fedora 4 implements the W3C Linked Data Platform recommendation, so a section of the tutorial will be dedicated to a discussion about LDP and the implications for Fedora 4 and linked data. Fedora 4 is also designed to be integrated with other applications, so a section of the tutorial will review common applications and integrations patterns. Finally, attendees will participate in a hands-on session that will give them a chance to install, configure, and explore Fedora 4 by following step-by-step instructions.
Keywords (en)
Fedora, repository, linked data, open source