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Second LEARN Workshop Vienna. Teil 2. Paul Ayris: Research data management and the brave new world
Description (de)
Second LEARN Workshop Vienna: "Research Data Management towards Open Science – The Importance of Policies" Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, dem 6. April 2016 am Campus der Universität Wien Teil 2. Paul Ayris: Research data management and the brave new world Moderation: Paolo Budroni (Universität Wien) Kamera und Schnitt: Viktor Zdrachal Paul Ayris ist Director of Library Services am University College London. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the growing importance of research data and research data management (RDM) in the research lifecycle. The LERU Roadmap for Research Data looked at how all stakeholders in the research landscape have a role to play to deliver this new agenda. Building on this. the EU-funded LEARN project is designed to encourage all stakeholders – researchers, research funders, research organisations and senior decision makers – to explore what their roles and responsibilities are in this fast-changing environment. LEARN will engage with stakeholders and produce model policies and toolkits which will support them as they embrace the challenges that RDM brings. A particular emphasis will be on Best Practice Case Studies, so that existing good practice can be collected and shared. INHALT ====== Kapitel Titel Position --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Vorspann 00:00:00 2. Needs of stakeholders of the RDM process 00:00:16 3. LERU roadmap for research data 00:06:26 4. Key messages 00:12:57 5. Policy development and Open Data 00:17:23 6. LEARN Deliverables 00:21:50 7. European Open Science Cloud 00:29:01 8. Conclusions 00:38:37
Keywords (de)
Forschungsdaten, Forschungsnetzwerk
Österreichische Zentralbibliothek für Physik
1.4 GB
Requirements for the Use of the Object (de)
MP4-kompatibler Mediaplayer
Licence Selected
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
ÖFOS 2002
Library science
Organization Association