Description (de)
Second LEARN Workshop Vienna: "Research Data Management towards Open Science – The Importance of Policies"
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, dem 6. April 2016 am Campus der Universität Wien
Teil 5. Catriona MacCallum: How can we ensure research data is re-usable? The role of Publishers in Research Data Management
Moderation: Paolo Budroni (Universität Wien)
Kamera und Schnitt: Viktor Zdrachal
Catriona MacCallum ist Acting Advocacy Manager bei der Public Library of Science (PLOS).
Abstract: Data, in all its many guises, lies at the heart of Scholarly Communication. Research Data Management therefore needs to encompass all research artefacts and the links between them. Central to the responsibility of publishers is a focus on effective and efficient dissemination and a recognition that research infrastructure is as important as the research artefacts themselves if the data are to be re-useable. PLOS has tackled these issues in several ways. Open access with liberal reuse rights to the research literature was a first step. The launch of PLOS ONE embraced the validity of negative or inconclusive data. Promoting transparent reporting remains a key editorial strategy, and a recent mandatory data sharing statement for all authors has increased the availability of the data associated with our papers. Finally, our upcoming requirement for corresponding authors to register for an ORCID iD will link researchers to their outputs and help shift the current system of evaluation and credit, Publication is perceived as the last step in a research project but by the time a paper is submitted to a publisher it is often too late to make the data available in a state that is reusable. Publishers, funders and institutions need to align their policies in a way that best supports researchers and helps foster the cultural changes required to transition to Open Science.
Second LEARN Workshop Vienna. Teil 5. Catriona MacCallum: How can we ensure research data is re-usable?
Kapitel Titel Position
1. Vorspann 00:00:00
2. Introductory remarks 00:00:16
3. PLOS - a publisher since 2003 00:02:17
4. Major publisher policies 00:06:31
5. PLOS: Where are the data? 00:12:29
6. Credit 00:17:12
7. Beyond the article 00:23:38
8. Is science reliable? 00:28:07