The Toolkit should prove an invaluable resource for anyone interested in implementing or improving RDM services at their institutions.
The toolkit includes the following materials:
• 23 Best-Practice Case Studies from institutions around the world, drawn from issues in the original LERU Roadmap. Within these case studies there are 5 cases from Latin America and the Caribbean Institutions.
• 8 Main Sections, on topics such as Policy and Leadership, Open Data, Advocacy and Costs;
• One Model RDM Policy accompanied by guidance and an overview of 20 RDM policies across Europe;
• An Executive Briefing in six languages, aimed at senior institutional decision makers.
The Toolkit is freely available to download at the following link:
As the Toolkit is a deliverable for the European Commission (EC), it may be slightly revised following comments from the EC. We will publish any updated versions on the LEARN website. If you have comments on the Toolkit we’d love to hear them. Please contact us with your feedback.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654139.