TDE - E-Journal for Translingual Discourse in Ethnomusicology
Description (en)
Translingual Discourse in Ethnomusicology (TDE) is a peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal aiming at encouraging discourse across language barriers by publishing English translations of ethnomusicological papers that have originally appeared in other languages. The journal is jointly published by the Department of Musicology at the University of Vienna and the Department of Ethnomusicology, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria, and can be accessed online at
For long-term preservation, PDF versions of all articles are stored in PHAIDRA. Please refer to the items listed below for the required articles.
Keywords (en)
ethnomusicology; open access; online
Regine Allgayer-Kaufmann
Gerd Grupe
August Schmidhofer
Organization Association
Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies > Department of Musicology (Historical Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Systematic Musicology)
additional allocation
Institut für Ethnomusikologie der Kunstuniversität Graz
Details about the source
Digital or other source
Details about the Source (en)
TDE - E-Journal for Translingual Discourse in Ethnomusicology