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Wolfgang U. Dressler; Elisa Mattiello; Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun
This paper examines the impact of the typological property of morphological richness on diminutive formation in Italian, Austrian German, English, and Tunisian Arabic. It investigates the priority of the pragmatics over the semantics of diminutives in these languages, i.e., of pragmatic meanings such as mitigation, endearment, sympathy, empathy, and irony over smallness and youth. Hypocoristics and quasi-hypocoristics are also dealt with. Diminutive formation in Arabic is root-based, in English ... read more
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Elizaveta Gangrskaia; Alessandra Bellissimo; Valentina Shumakova; Sarah Pulikottil Alex; Ignác Bugár; Lorenz Grünewald; Sebastian Mai; Thomas Schachinger; Dariusz Pysz; Ryszard Buczyński; Andrius Baltuška; Audrius Pugžlys
Implementing Stimulated Raman Scattering in a hollow-core fiber and spectral focusing in a long nonlinear crystal, we generate narrowband tunable ultrafast pulses for selective excitation of electric or magnetic dipole transitions in a FIB-fabricated Eu3+Y2O3 nanostructure. read more
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Elizaveta Gangrskaia; Alessandra Bellissimo; Valentina Shumakova; Sarah Pulikottil Alex; Ignác Bugár; Lorenz Grünewald; Sebastian Mai; Thomas Schachinger; Dariusz Pysz; Ryszard Buczyński; Andrius Baltuška; Audrius Pugžlys
Combining Stimulated Raman Scattering and spectral focusing, we generate narrowband tunable pulses for selective excitation of electric or magnetic dipole transitions in FIB-fabricated Eu3+Y2O3 nanostructures. Spatial electivity is enhanced by implementing azimuthally polarized beams. read more
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Research data generated during the EU-funded MSCA-PF project (101062942), LIVE-LOVE: "Loveability as the fresh interdisciplinary approach to enrich the quality of living experiences in European cities through creative cultural spaces" read more
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Xun Gong
Tangut pronunciation database, version 20241129 read more
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Xun Gong
A successively updated database that aims to associate every Tangut character with phonetic values according to both Gong Hwang-cherng's (GHC) system and various versions of Xun Gong’s (GX) transcription schemes. read more
Nationale (Alte Ordnung) mit den Namen aller Studierenden an der Medizinischen Fakultät (Buchstaben A-Z) im Sommersemester 1880. Signatur im Archiv der Universität Wien: Med. Nat. 125 read more
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Andreas Streinzer
This article introduces the concept of ‘over-commoning’, analyzing a process in which elites infiltrate and exploit collective resources for private gain. Based on ethnographic research in Austria, it analyses recent corruption cases and political scandals, focusing on the intersection of political power and economic interests. It argues that overcommoning involves a strategic mix of collective rhetoric and legal manoeuvring to capture state resources, a process different from accumulation by di... read more
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Andreas Streinzer; Jelena Tošić
In the introduction to this special issue, the authors focus on ‘strategic entanglements’ in the study of the commons, commoning, and accumulation by dispossession. They challenge the recent scholarly focus on projects that understand themselves as outside of capitalisms or other hegemonic economic systems. Instead, Streinzer and Toˇsi´cunderstand social reproduction as a totality of assemblages of actors and relations of capital, labour, property, investment, kinship, state, commons and more at... read more
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Maria Santacà; Francesco Carabba; Achini Mihindukulasooriya Fernando; Enrico Pitocco; Luca Battaglini; Umberto Granziol
Understanding cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying quantity processing is crucial for unraveling human cognition. The existence of a single magnitude system, encompassing non-symbolic number estimation alongside other magnitudes like time and space, is still highly debated since clear evidence is limited. Recent research examined whether spatial biases also influence numerosity judgments, using visual illusions like the Delboeuf illusion. While findings support a generalized magnitude syst... read more
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