Abstract (eng)
This thesis on hand deals with the historical background and origin of Hausmannstetter’s urbarium which was created 1512/1513. It is one of the oldest general comprehensive property registers of Klosterneuburg Abbey, which lists both the southern and northern property on the Danube. The research focuses on the two-volume urbarium, which, viewed from different angles, provides a variety of aspects of the history of its origin. It was commissioned by Georg II. Hausmannstetter, who was provost of the monastery of the Austin canons between 1509 and 1541. By analyzing sources from the monastery library and the Klosterneuburg monastery archive, not only the background to the origins but also the related and necessary contextualization will be researched.
Three essential theories should be examined in this paper. First of all, the administrative historical changes at this time, the not long ago canonisation of the Babenberger margrave Leopold III, and last the proximity of the provost to emporer Maximilian I. will be examined.
These theories represent possible indications for research into the origin of the urbarium. One part of the present work will be the palaeographic and codicological analysis in order to confirm these theses as well as to examine the administrative sources for its cultural-scientific value, its content and its representative character. It should be noted, however, that the creation of the Haumannstetter-Urbarium can not only be based on one of these three theories with certainty, but undoubtedly represents an interaction of several factors.