Description (de)
7th Kuopio Conference 2022: Review and Renew - Changing Strategies in Collection Management
Präsentation im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, dem 7. September 2022 in der Sky Lounge der Fakultät für Mathematik, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien
Session 1. Steve O’Connor: Challenges facing Repository Libraries
Video vom Vortrag:
Abstract: Repository Libraries have not been in the mainstream literature except through the concerted and insightful efforts of the Kuopio Conferences. Such libraries have grown in number and complexity across the globe. They have defied the doomsayers who insisted that print was dead. What is the role between the relegation of the discarded and the storage future of our repository libraries?
Steve O’Connor is a seasoned International Librarian who has managed large libraries and repositories in Australia but also in Hong Kong. He has been fortunate to travel and learn from colleagues the world over. He has attempted to show foresight, to chart and discuss developments where libraries should respond to user need while anticipating disruptive change and not being forced into unprepared change. He has been lucky to have been able to influence the opportunities to reshape what libraries are and how they should see their future. He has had a long association with Repository Libraries, their management and the highly influential Kuopio conferences. This paper is an attempt to draw these experiences into a meaningful set of observations focussing on the future.