Abstract (eng)
The master's thesis deals with the phenomenon of humorous short videos with feminist content on the platform TikTok and explores the question of what benefits these videos have. To answer this question, a distinction is made between benefits on an individual and societal level. The dissemination of humorous feminist videos on TikTok represents a relatively new and under-researched phenomenon in the social sciences, which is why I see the work as an attempt at an approach. Currently, a trend can be observed regarding the dissemination of humorous videos with socially critical content on social media, especially on TikTok. To investigate this relatively under-researched phenomenon from a social science perspective, empirical research was conducted. Grounded theory has proven to be a suitable research strategy in this context, which helped to explore the field. Through the associated exploratory approach, research questions, hypotheses, the material under investigation, and associated theoretical approaches emerged from a mix of inductive and deductive procedures. Finally, a well-known TikTok account and a video published on it, along with the comments posted on it, were examined using qualitative content analysis. On an individual level, the analyzed video draws attention to socially legitimized sexism against women in the online space. In this context, the humorous approach represents a feminist strategy and a self-efficacious and self-empowering micro-practice. By publishing the video on the TikTok platform, spaces can be occupied for feminist issues, which subsequently leads to more attention and visibility for feminist topics. With the definition of humor as a reaction to prevailing weight of the world, the usefulness of humor is discussed with regard to changing dominant relations. Furthermore, it is argued that phenomena such as attention, visibility and the rapid dissemination of socially critical content have limited benefits for feminist criticism. Emotional topics such as feminism become a valuable commodity on TikTok that is subject to a capitalist marketing logic. More visibility and attention, according to this logic, mean more data and advertising for TikTok, which ultimately generates more profit. The goals of feminism are incidental in this process and are replaced by the attitude of a "must-have" feminism. This feminism leads to polarizing oppositions. On the one hand, it brings forth increased anti-feminist arguments. On the other hand, by adopting a must-have feminism attitude, the impression is conveyed that there is a universal (cool) feminism that is supported and equally implemented by all. With this notion, important negotiation processes regarding the topics of emancipation, equality, justice and freedom, which are essential to understanding feminism, can be lost.