You are here: University of Vienna PHAIDRA Detail o:1991293
Title (eng)
Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum - Sites (CSV/MGI)
Roman settlement places - open dataset
Title (deu)
Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum - Fundplätze (CSV/MGI)
Römische Siedlungsplätze - open dataset
Description (eng)
Data set on the Roman sites of the Area of Interest (AOI) of the PhD project "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum" by Dominik Hagmann. The dataset is based on fundamentally revised and modified queries of the archaeological site database ("Fundstellendatenbank") of the Austrian Federal Monuments Office. The sites were defined based on findspots by applying a geostatistical method, using the "Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise" algorithm (DBSCAN; after Ester, M., Kriegel, H.-P., Sander, J., & Xu, X. (1996). A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. In E. Simoudis, J. Han, & U. Fayyad (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 226-231). AAAI Press., implemented in QGIS software (, as a density-based data clustering method. Each site represents a corresponding number of find spots within a particular search radius. For the real-space location, the findspots were matched with the OpenStreetMap dataset (OSM, obtained from
Description (eng)
Fundplatz-ID: Unique numerical identifier of the archaeological site Mean_X: Mean X-coordinate (EPSG:31256 MGI / Austria GK East; Mean_Y: Mean Y-coordinate (EPSG:31256 MGI / Austria GK East; Cluster_size: Number of sites or find spots associated with each respective 'Functional Region' OSM_ID: ID of the location corresponding to the archaeological site in the OpenStreetMap dataset OSM_Name: Qualitative definition of the OSM ID based on the OpenStreetMap dataset OSM_Kategorie: Assignment to a qualitative land use/land cover category based on the OpenStreetMap dataset OSM_Typ: Further qualitative characterization of the OSM category based on the OpenStreetMap dataset
Description (deu)
Datensatz zu den die Fundstellen beinhaltenden römerzeitlichen Fundplätzen der Area of Interest (AOI) des PhD-Projektes "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum" von Dominik Hagmann. Der Datensatz basiert auf grundlegend überarbeiteten und modifizierten Abfragen der Fundstellendatenbank des Bundesdenkmalamtes. Die Fundplätze wurden auf Basis der Fundstellen durch Anwendung eines geostatistischen Verfahrens definiert, unter Anwendung des "Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise Algorithmus" (DBSCAN; nach Ester, M., Kriegel, H.-P., Sander, J., & Xu, X. (1996). A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise. In E. Simoudis, J. Han, & U. Fayyad (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (S. 226–231). AAAI Press., implementiert in der Software QGIS (, als dichtebasierte Datenclusteringmethode. Jeder Fundplatz steht dabei für eine enstprechende Anzahl an Fundstellen innerhalb eines bestimmten Suchradius. Zur realräumlichen Verortung wurden die Fundplätze mit dem OpenStreetMap-Datensatz (OSM, bezogen von abgeglichen.
Description (deu)
Fundplatz-ID: eindeutiger numerischer Identifikator des Fundplatzes Mean_X: gemittelte X-Koordinate (EPSG:31256 MGI / Austria GK East; Mean_Y: gemittelte Y-Koordinate (EPSG:31256 MGI / Austria GK East; Cluster_size: Anzahl der Fundplätze bzw. Fundstellen in der jeweiligen 'Functional Region' OSM_ID: ID des dem Fundort entsprechenden Ortes auf Basis des OpenStreetMap-Datensatzes OSM_Name: Qualitative Definition der OSM-ID auf Basis des OpenStreetMap-Datensatzes OSM_Kategorie: Zuweisung zu einer qualitativen Landnutzungs-/Landbedeckungskategorie auf Basis des OpenStreetMap-Datensatzes OSM_Typ: nähere qualitative Charakterisierung der OSM-Kategorie auf Basis des OpenStreetMap-Datensatzes
Description (eng)
To clarify the legend under point 6 in Table 2 in Hagmann, D. 2024. “Adopt, Adapt, and Share! FAIR Archeological Data for Studying Roman Rural Landscapes in Northern Noricum.” Journal of Open Humanities Data 10 (13): 1–21. When it states "Size of the site cluster (number of find spots in the cluster)," it means a cluster in a 'Functional Region.' Thus, the cluster size indicates the number of individual sites or find spots within that particular Functional Region in the Area of Interest (AOI).
Remark (eng)
The data provided herein is freely available and can be downloaded, shared, and adapted by all users. It is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Under this license, users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given, a link to the license is provided, and any changes made are indicated. For further details regarding the terms of this license, please visit the Creative Commons website.
Reproduction note
This is the CSV version of the data set, utilizing EPSG:31256 (MGI/Austria GK East; as the coordinate reference system. An XLSX version of the dataset is accessible via A version of the data set utilizing EPSG:4326 (WGS 84; as the coordinate reference system is accesible via
Keywords (eng)
provincial Roman archaeologydigital archaeologyRoman antiquityrural settlementNoricumsite registry
Keywords (deu)
provinzialrömische ArchäologieDigitale Archäologierömische Antikeländliche BesiedlungNoricumFundstellendatenbank
Subject (eng)
ÖFOS 2012 -- 601026 -- Virtual archeology
Subject (eng)
ÖFOS 2012 -- 601003 -- Archaeology
Type (eng)
Persistent identifier
Self-publishing , Vienna , 2021-06-17
Temporal coverage (eng)
Roman Antiquity
Depicted / Represented place
[Noricum--Upper Austria--Austria]
Depicted / Represented place
[Niederösterreich--Lower Austria--Austria]
Access rights (eng)