Quantum [Un]Speakables II: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem. Teil 10: Helmut Rauch: Search for Hidden Variables in Neutron Experiments
Description (de)
Quantum [Un]Speakables II: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, dem 19. Juni 2014 im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien
Teil 10: Vortrag von Helmut Rauch: "Search for Hidden Variables in Neutron Experiments"
Helmut Rauch ist emeritierter Professor am Atominstitut der Technischen Universität Wien.
Abstract: Neutrons are proper tools for testing basic laws of quantum physics since they are massive and can be handled and measured with high efficiency. Entangled spin-momentum states occur when neutrons enter a magnetic field. Proper post-selection experiments demonstrate coherence features of sub-ensembles even when the whole ensemble seems to have lost its coherence. Partial absorption and homodyne experiments will be described and it will be shown that distinct losses are unavoidable in any case of interaction. Coherence and decoherence are intrinsic features of quantum effects. Quantum contextuality as a new feature will be used to demonstrate entanglement of different degrees of freedom. This makes quantum phenomena stronger correlated than classical ones. Most experiments have been done with perfect neutron interferometers and some others by using ultra-cold neutrons and spin-echo systems. Whether the Compton frequency and proper time effects can contribute to a more rational explanation of quantum effects will be discussed. An event by event based interpretation can also be brought into agreement with the experimental results. The coupling and entanglement of various parameter spaces guide us to a more rational discussion of quantum effects.
Kapitel Titel Position
1. Vorspann 00:00:00
2. Neutron interferometry 00:00:08
3. Dephasing and decoherence 00:12:40
4. Weak measurements 00:18:22
5. Resumé 00:26:22
Keywords (de)
Neutroneninterferometrie, Verschränkter Zustand, Dekohärenz