Description (de)
Rethinking Academia. The scientific publishing system and the strive for open accessibility
Mitschnitt einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung der Universität Wien und des Instituts für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI) am Montag, dem 29. April 2019 im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien
- Teil 1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
- Teil 2. Maximilian Fochler: Scientific publishing - past, present, and future
- Teil 3. Toma Susi: Introduction to the European Open Access initiative "Plan S"
- Teil 4. Brigitte Kromp: Transformative publishing agreements within the context of "Plan S"
- Teil 5. Jean-Sébastien Caux: Beyond Open Access - SciPost
- Teil 6. Marcus Huber: "Quantum", challenges, costs and solutions for community led publishing
- Teil 7. Daniel Hook: Deconstructing research - a potential future for scholarly communications
- Teil 8. Podiumsdiskussion
Kamera und Schnitt: Viktor Zdrachal
Abstract: The publishing system plays a fundamental role in science, inasmuch as scientific findings are proclaimed and evaluated through scholarly journals. Yet, the scientific publishing system is engaged in multiple controversies: the problem of open accessibility, the justification of retaining the authority to determine the relevance of scientific works, and the lucrative aspect of private publishers are only some of them. This public debate aimed at discussing, with the help of experts from the field, some of the most promising and heatedly debated alternatives to the current publishing system, which might widely reshape the methods of academic publishing in the coming years.