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One repository solution doesn’t fit all - iPRES 2019 Amsterdam
Description (en)
Different digital objects have different preservation requirements involving strategies, policies and practices that go beyond the capacity of a single archival institution. The variety and complexity of digital objects requires specific knowledge for ingesting and the preservation of file formats. Large data files call for a different storage set-up than the approach required for the preservation and distribution of small objects. Building an organizational and technological infrastructure that can cope with the diversity and complexity of digital objects involves an effort that far exceeds what a middle-sized institution can do alone. This paper describes how the Amsterdam City Archives aims to collaborate with other non-profit institutions and partners to improve the quality of the preservation of and access to digital objects while reducing costs.
Author of the digital object
Ana  van Meegen Silva
158.4 kB
Licence Selected
CC BY 4.0 International
Conference 2019