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Preservation Action Rules Workshop - iPRES 2019 Amsterdam
Description (en)
The Preservation Action Registries project ( is developing a common and consistent way to describe and execute preservation policies and actions at a technical level. An initial data model has been created which defines a human and machine readable way of describing preservation actions and the associated business rules that together make up preservation policies. Using a skill acquisition technique borrowed from the medical profession (See One, Do One, Teach One) this workshop will lead participants through a three step process, intended to improve the participants ability to develop and describe their own digital preservation policy in both human and machine-readable forms. The workshop will help participants to better express and share preservation policies in a concise, comprehensive and unambiguous way. Through the participants activities in the workshop, the PAR data model will be tested, validated and further improvements identified. Participants will be introduced to the PAR project and data model, using examples of working preservation actions and business rules. In smaller group, participants will be led through the process of describing a new preservation policy using the PAR data model. Finally, groups will present their work to the other groups.
Author of the digital object
Jon  Tilbury
Sarah  Romkey
Carl  Wilson
Jack  O’Sullivan
Matthew  Addis
Justin  Simpson
158.1 kB
Licence Selected
CC BY 4.0 International
Conference 2019