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Score Model for the preservation of digital collections - iPRES 2019 Amsterdam
Description (en)
The Score Model for the Preservation of Digital Collections is an online ( self-evaluation tool for cultural heritage institutions which aims to help them with getting a grip on digital preservation. The idea and rationale behind the Score Model is that it can be easily used by smaller and less technically advanced organizations. It is therefore as jargon-free as possible and gives organizations hands-on advise on which issues should be tackled first. The Score Model has the form of an online tool in which the user has to register for an account. They then have to answer 56 questions - separated in seven ISO 16363 inspired clusters - which result in a final report. This report gives a comprehensive overview of how the user has scored for the different clusters and which issues the organization should tackle first. Additionally, the report gives an impression of how far the organization has advanced in becoming a Trusted Digital Repository in the form of qualifying for a Core Trust Seal.
Author of the digital object
Robert  Gillesse
Bert  Lemmens
133.6 kB
Licence Selected
CC BY 4.0 International
Conference 2019