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FAIR data work @ DANS - iPRES 2019 Amsterdam
Description (en)
Ever since the origin of the FAIR data guiding principles, various members of the DANS staff have been involved in a variety of activities on thinking about their implications and implementing them. This paper presents an overview of the fruits of our work so far and sketches our ideas for the years to come. We were involved as co-authors of the original publication on the FAIR principles, developed and tested FAIR metrics, worked on tools to rate the FAIRness of datasets, on a FAIR checklist for researchers, we evaluated how our own data archives score on FAIRness, we compared the principles to the requirements of the Data Seal of Approval and the CoreTrustSeal, explored the applicability of the FAIR principles to Software Sustainability, prepared guidelines for FAIR data management, and we lead the prominent Horizon 2020 FAIRsFAIR project in the context of the European Open Science Cloud.
Author of the digital object
Francesca  Morselli
Marjan  Grootveld
Peter  Doorn
388.4 kB
Licence Selected
CC BY 4.0 International
Conference 2019