Abstract (eng)
Roots and root hairs play a pivotal role in supplying the plant with water and minerals, and they are the first to sense environmental changes in the soil. Concerning osmotic and salt stress, relatively much is understood about the reactions of roots; only very little, however, is known about root hairs. This work describes the effects of osmotic stress and salinity on growth and cytoarchitecture of root hairs as well as on their capability to adapt to different osmotic media. Main topics are the analysis of tip-growth and of the polar organisation of the root hairs. In addition, we observed the cytoplasmic streaming and we analysed the osmotic situation of roots and root hairs.
We observed root hairs of 3 days old seedlings of Triticum aestivum, cultivated in chambers with culture solution (phosphate buffer). To simulate osmotic stress, the plants were exposed to glucose, mannit or polyethylenglycol solutions of different concentrations (100 – 500 mOsm). To induce salt stress, we used NaCl and KCl of similar concentrations. For the investigation of plasma membrane-cell wall connections as well as of endocytotic vesicles, plasma membranes were labelled with FM1-43 (a membrane selective non permeable styryl dye). Living root hairs were analysed by confocal laser scanning microscopy and by video enhanced light microscopy.
Root hairs react differently to osmotic stress and to salt stress.
Main effects of osmotic stress are:
• The osmotic value of root cells is higher (350 mOsm) than of root hairs (150 mOsm). In root hairs the osmotic value increases during growth.
• During plasmolysis, the protoplast retracts from the cell wall in the tip, but there is no modification in the cytoarchitecture.
• New cell wall is built continuously, even during plasmolysis.
• In lower concentrations (250 mOsm), the protoplast retracts very slowly, so that cell wall material becomes discharged and deposited in the emptying tip, where it builds a thick layer. Plasmolysis proper occurs only in concentrations of 300 mOsm and higher.
• At a stage of strong plasmolysis many Hechtian strands are formed; they represent membrane-cell wall connections which are distributed relatively evenly over the surface of the protoplast including the tip in the very front.
• In hypertonic solutions of polyethylenglycol, roots and root hairs stop growth because cell expansion is not possible. In glucose, however, roots continue to grow. This is a common phenomenon based on the uptake of glucose. In our experiments, we proved that also mannit, that is considered to be impermeable, is taken up.
• Because of the uptake of glucose and mannit also the rhizodermis can adapt to high osmotic concentrations, so that new root hairs form even in hypertonic solutions.
• The length of the new root hairs is decreasing linearly with increasing concentration, although growth rate and cytoarchitecture are similar to the control.
• In growing root hairs, small endocytotic vesicles detach from the plasma membrane, bigger osmocytotic vesicles form during plasmolysis.
Effects of salt stress:
• During salt stress, there is an uptake of sodium and potassium ions that results in an increase of the osmotic value of the cells.
• The effect of this increase is a faster tip growth in hypotonic solutions, although polar organisation and cytoarchitecture of the root hair remain the same.
• Also the distribution of endocytotic vesicles is similar to the control.
• As a result of the uptake of ions, no plasmolysis occurs in hypertonic salt solutions. The polar organisation of the cytoplasm is lost, suggesting that the cytoskeleton is affected.
• There is also a change in the permeability of the plasma membrane and in the flexibility of the cell wall, which probably is another reason why no new root hairs are formed in salt solutions.
Understanding of the reactions of roots and root hairs to osmotic stress and salinity in the soil is a prerequisite to conceive the ecology of a plant in general and to select for instance resistant varieties from the genetic pool of plants. In addition, principal physiological and cell biological parameters of root hair growth are revealed.