Abstract (eng)
In this diploma thesis the monographs „Folium Vitis-idaeae“ and „Tinctura Valerianae aetherea“ of the Austrian Pharmacopoeia (Österreichisches Arzneibuch, ÖAB) were updated. The monographs were adapted to the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) monograph structure concerning the actualisation of the methods of analysis, the exclusive use of the Ph. Eur. reagent set and the harmonisation in style and contents. According to the nomenclature of the Ph. Eur. these monographs can be found under the names „Baldriantinktur, etherische / Valerianae tinctura aetherea“ and "Preiselbeerblatt / Vitis-idaeae folium".
In the following paragraphs the most important modifications of the analysis methods are briefly described: to both monographs thin layer chromatography (TLC) as means of identification as well as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods for quantification of lead compounds were added. A prescribed minimum content of the main components was determined. For both monographs existing TLC and HPLC systems were adopted from the monographs „Baldriantinktur / Valerianae tinctura“ und „Bärentraubenblätter / Uvae ursi folium“ of the Ph. Eur. 6.0. Regarding the monograph Vitis-ideae folium there was only a slight modification of the second spraying reagent used for TLC analysis.
From now on the monograph Vitis-ideae folium contains schematic pictures of the most important microscopic drug features as well as a microscopic characterisation of the powdered drug. The characteristic features, already described in the existing monograph, were verified using random samples. Hence changes in the morphologic description of leaf edge and venation were established. Also the description of some microscopic features like gland villi, cuticle and stomata type as well as calcium oxalate crystals respectively druses was changed. “Loss on drying” was added to the TESTS section, including the introduction of a proper limit value.
In the monograph “Valerianae tinctura aetherea” new limits were set for density and dry matter.
Finally the general appearance of both monographs was adapted to the style of the Ph.Eur. to complete the revision.