Abstract (eng)
In this thesis plans were made for gathering trips in the time span of 2014-2019 in order to realize Target 8 of Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: “ until 2020 75% of Austria´s endangered species of plants should be secured in ex-situ institutions“.
After the introduction of the definition of biodiversity and its endangerment, a survey of nature protecting laws and their background follow. Agreements that serve the conservation of plants are considered more closely.
The basis for planning the gathering trips are the red lists of endangered species of plants of the IUCN, as well as a list made by me of endangered endemic plants of Austria.
Both lists were checked concerning their stock by the botanic garden of the university of Vienna and the university of bodenkultur in Vienna, den botanic gardens of the universities of Graz, Salzburg and Innsbruck, the Alpengarten Villacher Alpe, the botanic garden of the city Linz, the botanic garden of Carinthia in Klagenfurt, Arche Noah and Blumengärten Hirschstetten.
For the gathering trips those species of plants were chosen, that are not found in any ex-situ institution yet.Until 2020 seeds of those species should be collected in selective gathering trips which, shall be stored in already consisting seed banks of the university of BOKU in Graz.
20% of all endangered species should be included in resettlement projects.