Abstract (eng)
The main focus of this work is dedicated to the assessment of the effect of unconventional monetary measure - quantitative easing (QE) on selected macroeconomic and financial indicators of the four economically most
powerful countries such as United States, Eurozone, United Kingdom and Japan.
Thereby, the work provides description of global economic development as a result of financial crisis, difference between conventional and unconventional monetary policy measures, difference between Quantitative Easing and Credit Easing, as well as main transmission channels of QE and extensive development of central bank balance sheets of the selected countries in response to the financial crisis. This master thesis focuses on the provision of an extensive description of the economic environment. Furthermore, in the following there is described a wide range of monetary policy measures and the overview over the relevant empirical research studies is presented, which were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of QE on economic and financial markets, along with their empirical models and generated results. At the end of this work, effects, presented in the models previously, will be captured by measuring their effectiveness based on a comprehensive analysis of selected key economic and financial factors. After all, the impact of QE on selected macro economic factors particularly inflation, GDP growth and spreads proves to be an effective instrument. However, the effect of QE on enhancement of unemployment and labor market is not clearly determined. Consequently, the link between the effects of QE and unemployment proves to be very complex and multi-faceted.