Abstract (eng)
The commercial grave maintenance at the Vienna Central Cemetery is a very young profession seen from the historical point of view. In the beginning of the 20th century the upcoming demand of the Viennese citizens for this kind of services led to a modernization of the former trading regulations and the rise of this new business sector in the past.
In the end of 2016, after more than 100 years, new reformations of the old and long existing regulations were realized which affected the business circumstances of professional cemetery gardeners massively and brought many discussions inside the media. The claim of this mas-ter´s thesis is to illustrate and to analyze the history of cemetery gardeners at europes biggest public cemetery called „Zentralfriedhof“ inside the 11th Viennese district „Simmering“, as well as the development of their profession nowadays.
The research question to examine and analyze this topic is following: „How strong did the history of Viennese Central Cemetery as well as the trading regulations established in 1934, affect the development of the whole business sector of commercial grave maintenance?“
A short introduction covers the current state of research and mentions the methodology ap-plied and sources used in order to answer the thesis question. Afterwards, in chapter 2, the history of Vienna Central Cemetery is shown in detail. These, combined with the history of trade regulations inside the sector of gardening from 1859 until 1934, lead the reader to the connections of the arising business of grave maintenance. In chapter 3.3, their development and circumstances before, during and after the second World War will be examined in detail.
In order to minimize gaps of knowledge, the chapter 6, covers oral interviews of contempo-rary witnesses to ensure that the development of grave maintenance in Vienna against the historical background of Central Cemetery is explored in detail.