Description (en)
Since 2019, four groups have been created within the French association “Aristote”, including members of National Library & Archives and several Ministries.
These four groups are working on these subjects:
1. Digital Formats knowledge: in all our institutions we must deal with many different formats, it was necessary to share our experience, help each other, and propose tools to help the French digital preservation community to think about the development of format preservation strategies.
2. Translation: because most of the documentation about digital preservation is not available in French.
3. Expertise: it's necessary to identify and share our experts’ knowledge on file formats between institutions because of the lack of human resources in the digital preservation domain.
4. Tools: many tools are available, and we can offer a national guidance through our experimentations.
In conclusion, the creation of these groups has set up new ways to improve our National digital preservation strategy.
The poster is made with BDNF (, a free application from the French national Library, it was created to use digital objects and images available in Gallica, the French digital national library online (
Keywords (en)
Digital, Preservation, Cooperation, Formats, Expert, Translation, Tools