Description (de)
Achter Vortrag der »Boltzmann Lectures« der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Wien
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Donnerstag, dem 2. Juni 2022 im Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik
Es sprechen Regina Hitzenberger (Vizerektorin der Universität Wien), Martin Fally (Dekan der Fakultät für Physik) und Christos N. Likos (Professor für Computational and Soft Matter Physics)
Kamera und Schnitt: Daniel Winkler
Daan Frenkel ist Professor am Department of Chemistry der Universität Cambridge.
Abstract: Boltzmann created the language of statistical mechanics and posed many of the questions that still keep us busy almost 150 years later. In my talk I pay attention to several of Boltzmann’s key contributions, how they were extended by others such as Gibbs, and why, in recent years, the concepts that Boltzmann introduced are as relevant as ever.
Kapitel Titel Position
1. Vorspann 00:00:00
2. R. Hitzenberger: Welcoming remarks 00:00:05
3. M. Fally: Introduction 00:03:25
4. C. Likos: Laudatory speech 00:06:23
5. The concept of atoms in physics 00:15:10
6. The Boltzmann equation 00:24:39
7. Computational aspects 00:38:22
8. Boltzmann's entropy equation 00:43:58
9. Monte Carlo simulations of model systems 00:52:43
10. Entropy in non-thermal systems. The factor N! 00:55:34
11. Questions from the audience 01:13:27