Description (de)
7th Kuopio Conference 2022: Review and Renew - Changing Strategies in Collection Management
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung am Freitag, dem 9. September 2022 in der Sky Lounge der Fakultät für Mathematik, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien
Session 7: Cornelia Posch: On Site / Off Site / In Transit. Aspects of Emergency Preparedness and Risk Management for Library Collections
PDF-Version der Präsentation:
Abstract: Whether a collection has been in a stable location for decades or has been moved three times in the last five years, whether its materials are for consultation on site only or are circulating, whether a library building is centuries old or a brand new construction – its books, journals, AV materials, manuscripts, and photographs are at constant risk of deterioration or destruction. This talk will share insights into potential risks to collections, as well as the benefits of a pro-active attitude towards risk analysis and emergency/disaster preparedness. Climate monitoring, emergency kits, risk assessments, and mutual aid agreements between neighboring institutions are only a few examples of measures an institution can implement to protect its holdings and guarantee preservation and access over time. Even without large expenditures or outside expertise, a motivated staff and supportive leadership can make a difference between a minor incident and a large loss.
Cornelia Posch is a PhD Student in the Disaster Science and Management program at the University of Delaware, USA, where she also works as a Graduate Research Assistant in the E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection at the Disaster Research Center. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Romance Studies/Italian Language and Literature from the University of Vienna, Austria, and a Master of Arts degree in Library and Information Science from Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany. In more than five years at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institute for Art History, a research library in Rome, Italy, Cornelia developed her interest and skills in emergency preparedness in libraries, and the field of conservation and preservation. Her research at the University of Delaware will focus on the intersection of cultural heritage and disasters, investigating ways cultural assets need to be protected, as well as ways in which cultural institutions, in particular public libraries, contribute to community wellbeing and resilience. Cornelia collaborates in projects with DLDI (Delaware Libraries and Disasters Initiative), HENTF (Heritage Emergency Task Force), and DEMA (Delaware Emergency Management Agency) and is a volunteer with the National Heritage Responders.
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