Description (en)
The Bibliothèque nationale de France has developed its
trusted digital repository, SPAR (Scalable Preservation
and Archiving Repository), as a data-first system. This
implies having fully described collections, through use
of metadata standards in the information packages, such
as METS, PREMIS, MIX or textMD, in a way that will
make sense given the diversity of our documents.
The need for full documentation also applies to the
system itself. On the one hand, SPAR is self-describing
in order to ensure its durability. On the other hand, all
the information that is ingested into the system
contributes to determine its settings and its behavior.
The Data Management module is at the heart of these
information flows.
We expect to push this data-first objective ahead by
using RDF technology, based on existing and trusted
information models and ontologies, such as OAIS and
PREMIS. The challenges and successes we encounter all
serve the greater goal of having a unique and versatile
data model for every user of the system, whether
collection curator or system manager.