An ontology-based model for preservation workflows
Subtitle (en)
Paper - iPRES 2012 - Digital Curation Institute, iSchool, Toronto
Description (en)
This paper aims to propose an ontology for the main digital preservation workflows carried out by an organization or an archival system. The proposed ontology covers the entire preservation life cycle, starting from the ingestion of digital resources and including internal functions, such as system administration and preservation planning policies, and access control. Fifty workflow models have been represented using the ontology, which takes into account the special characteristics and features specified by the international standards, as well as the existing metadata schemas for preservation. The proposed ontology supports the decision making of the collection managers, who design preservation policies and follow practices, by providing a knowledge-based tool able to guide, encode and
(re)use their reasoning and choices.
Keywords (en)
iPRES, iSchool, Toronto, Canada, Digital Preservation Workflows, Ontology, OAIS Model