The Dendro research data management platform: Applying ontologies to long-term preservation in a collaborative environment
Subtitle (en)
Paper - iPRES 2014 - Melbourne
Description (en)
It has been shown that data management should start as early as possible in the research workflow to minimize the risks of data loss. Given the large numbers of datasets produced every day, curators may be unable to describe them all, so researchers should take an active part in the process. However, since they are not data management experts, they must be provided with user-friendly but powerful tools to capture the context information necessary for others to interpret and reuse their datasets. In this paper, we present Dendro, a fully ontology-based collaborative platform for research data management. Its graph data model innovates in the sense that it allows domain-specific lightweight ontologies to be used in resource description, acting as a staging area for later deposit in long-term preservation solutions.
Keywords (en)
iPRES 2014, Research data management, data curation, ontologies, data repositories, Dendro