Description (en)
Aggregation and Management of Metadata in the Context of Europeana
The European Digital Library, Europeana, has introduced in 2010 an open Data model that integrates and re-uses a variety of international standards for metadata. This open model supports the joint indexing of metadata from diverse cultural and scientific domains and recognizes the individual requirements for the various application areas.
This way, spezialised metadata, f.e. for audio content, can be processed and aggregated with dedicated versions of the Europeana Data Model. Furthermore, the usage of controlled vocabularies in SKOS standard supports the enriched metadata presentation and linkage of data, f.e. for the biodiversity heritage or the local heritage domain. During the data enrichment process a variety of micro services is used that allow for customised data ingest, data annotation and data linking. In addition, new content provider-directed applications like the DISMARC Documentation and Annotation Platform allow for self-organized metadata monitoring and provide advanced annotation features for semantic linkage and enhanced visibility of data.