Description (en)
Walter Koch: Modelling and Implementation of webservice-based Vocabularies
The use of controlled vocabularies is a standard approach within documentation and information activities. Since the adventure of computers usage of printed material has been complemented by computerized access especially via the Internet. Global and immediate access to the Web have caused new means of use and integration of computerized and digitized vocabularies.
Based on the structural elements outlined in ANSI Z39.19 or related ISO standards the author together with AIT – Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungsgesellschaft mbH has developed a SOAP/WSDL based WebService which supports different structures as lists, taxonomies or thesauri. This service supports the retrieval of topics or concepts (identified by a term) using metadata connected with them using boolean logic which also supports facetted searches. As the result of such a service not only metadata related to a term is available, but the semantic structure in which a concept is embedded will be returned, too.
In the presentation examples will be given how authority files or thesauri have been implemented, among them TGN - the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (integrated in museum collection management systems) - or the IconClass classification system. Other aspects include the use of vocabularies in multilingual applications (demonstrated by projects of Europeana, the European Digital Library), visualization of semantic networks based on XTM-TopicMaps and the access to vocabulary WebServices in a modern Cloud Storage and Computing environment.