Description (de)
Summer School »Between Geometry and Relativity«
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung des Internationalen Erwin Schrödinger Instituts für Mathematik und Physik (ESI) am Dienstag, dem 18. Juli 2017 im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik
Teil 11: Marie-Anne Bizouard: Making Waves 2
Kamera: Lilian Nowak, Johannes Sauer, Daniel Winkler
Schnitt: Daniel Winkler
Abstract: The observation of the merger of a binary black hole system from LIGO in September 2015 has opened up a new window onto the Universe. Thanks to gravitational waves emitted by massive compact objects or cataclysmic events, one can observe the Universe with a probe that is barely affected by matter. Gravitational waves provide also a unique means to test the consistency in the general relativity in the strong field regime. In my lectures I will review the state of the art of gravitational wave searches from ground based detectors, space missions, and pulsar timing arrays. In addition, I will explain the different challenges of such searches and show (with many examples) the richness of the newly emerged field of gravitational wave astronomy.
Marie-Anne Bizouard arbeitet am Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire der Universität Paris XI.
Kapitel Titel Position
1. Vorspann 00:00:00
2. Response of a GW interferometer 00:00:10
3. Data analysis 00:12:00
4. Matched filtering 00:28:16
5. CBC search and waveform modelling 00:45:27
6. Source parameter estimation. Astrophysics 00:52:05
7. Testing General Relativity with GWs 01:05:40