Description (en)
We present an architecture for a trustworthy and portableemulation platform designed to protect the confidentialityand integrity of sensitive born-digital content when executedon a fundamentally untrustworthy platform. In evidence, wepresent a modified GameBoy emulator which is executableon a remote user platform while simultaneously protectingthe contents of game ROM files. In a more general applica-tion, an archive or a library might use such an emulationarchitecture to control access to restricted material on moresophisticated computer emulators.Our solution relies on Intel’s Software Guard Extensions(SGX) technology for implementation of the trusted emu-lation environment. Access to sensitive data is protectedby server controlled encryption keys accessible only withinthe protected execution environment. This enables securecaching of encrypted data on the untrusted user platform foruse by the emulator and hence limits the potential perfor-mance issues originated from remote execution over Internetconnections.