Description (de)
Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop (YRISW) 2019: A modern primer for 2D CFT
Mitschnitt einer Veranstaltung des Internationalen Erwin Schrödinger Instituts für Mathematik und Physik (ESI) in der Zeit von Montag, dem 12. bis Freitag, den 15. Februar 2019 im Lise Meitner-Hörsaal sowie im Boltzmann-Hörsaal der Fakultät für Physik
- Teil 1. Sylvain Ribault (1): The Virasoro algebra and its representations
- Teil 2. Sylvain Ribault (2): Fields and correlation functions
- Teil 3. Lorenz Eberhardt (1): Wess-Zumino-Witten models part 1
- Teil 4. Sylvain Ribault (3): BPZ equations - free bosons
- Teil 5. Sylvain Ribault (4): Conformal bootstrap
- Teil 6. Sylvain Ribault (5): Fusion rules - Minimal models
- Teil 7. Sylvain Ribault (6): Minimal models (continued) - Modular bootstrap
- Teil 8. Lorenz Eberhardt (2): Wess-Zumino-Witten models part 2
- Teil 9. Lorenz Eberhardt (3): Wess-Zumino-Witten models part 3
- Teil 10. Lorenz Eberhardt (4): Wess-Zumino-Witten models part 4
- Teil 11. Thomas Creutzig (1): W-algebras part 1
- Teil 12. Thomas Creutzig (2): W-algebras part 2
- Teil 13. Sylvain Ribault (7): Liouville theory
- Teil 14. Marco Baggio (1): Deformations part 1.1
- Teil 15. Marco Baggio (2): Deformations part 1.2
- Teil 16. Nils Carqueville (1): Boundaries and defects part 1
- Teil 17. Nils Carqueville (2): Boundaries and defects part 2
- Teil 18. Thomas Creutzig (3): W-algebras part 3
- Teil 19. Marco Baggio (3): Deformations part 1.3
- Teil 20. Andrea Cavaglià (1): Deformations part 2.1
- Teil 21. Nils Carqueville (3): Boundaries and defects part 3
- Teil 22. Nils Carqueville (4): Boundaries and defects part 4
- Teil 23. Thomas Creutzig (4): W-algebras part 4
- Teil 24. Andrea Cavaglià (2): Deformations part 2.2
- Teil 25. Andrea Cavaglià (3): Deformations part 2.3
Kamera: Thomas Kroyer, Kenan Vrabac
Schnitt: Daniel Winkler
Abstract: The Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop (YRISW) is an ongoing series of meetings devoted to review the latest advances in exact techniques in theoretical physics, at the frontier with mathematics. Past editions have focused on exact results in certain two-dimensional quantum field theories and in string theory which can be tackled with the toolbox of integrable models. The aim of the current school is the investigation of two dimensional conformal field theories, i.e. of quantum field theories that possess conformal invariance at the quantum level. This is a central topic in theoretical physics, from high-energy to condensed-matter physics, and it has deep connections with mathematics.