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Title (eng)
7th Kuopio Conference 2022. Session 3. Anne Koivisto and Johanna Vesterinen: AIRUT Project - Interface and management for ISO 18626 based Interlibrary loans of National Repository Library of Finland [Präsentation als PDF]
Anne Koivisto
Varastokirjasto, Kuopio, Finnland
Johanna Vesterinen
Varastokirjasto, Kuopio, Finnland
Description (deu)
7th Kuopio Conference 2022: Review and Renew - Changing Strategies in Collection Management Präsentation im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, dem 7. September 2022 in der Sky Lounge der Fakultät für Mathematik, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien Session 3. Anne Koivisto and Johanna Vesterinen: AIRUT Project - Interface and management for ISO 18626 based Interlibrary loans of National Repository Library of Finland Da dieser Vortrag in Form einer virtuellen Präsentation stattfand, liegt kein Videomittschnitt vor. Abstract: The AIRUT project has been started in the National Repository Library to implement Interlibrary loan management in accordance with the ISO 18626 standard. The provision of an interface to the National Repository Library's material to customer-operated interlibrary loans and article forwarding service for all library sectors. The ease usability of the collection stored in the National Repository Library and the clarity of information retrieval are emphasized when libraries transfer more and more of their own storage materials to the National Repository Library. Anne Koivisto is Project Manager at Varastokirjasto, the National Repository Library of Finland. Johanna Vesterinen is Library Director at Varastokirjasto, the National Repository Library of Finland.
Keywords (deu)
Bibliothek, Archivierung, Fernleihe
Subject (eng)
ÖFOS 2012 -- 508003 -- Library science
Type (eng)
Persistent identifier
Object type
10.05.2023 12:02:56