You are here: University of Vienna PHAIDRA Detail o:2076753
Title (eng)
medium defective regime graphene
Description (eng)
The original data contains STEM MAADF images of graphene irradiated by low energy Ar ions, which resulted in a medium defect density. The datasets contain several hundred atomic resolution images that have been acquired using automated image acquisition. Sample 1940: Material: Graphene (Source: Graphenea Inc. Easy Transfer: Monolayer Graphene on Polymer Film) Grid: custom SiN TEM chip produced by Silson (3x3 Array of 1 µm thick SiN Windows with circular perforations) Electronic Lab Notebook sample ID: 1940 Treatment: * Transferred onto SiN TEM grid using liquid Transfer method * Insertion to UHV System via loadlock including bake * Surface contamination removed inside UHV by cleaning laser * Irradiated by low Energy Ar Plasma (3min) * Removal of mobile contamination via laser heating * Beamshower at -20k defocus for 20min Name of data: map_2024_03_28_10_33 Acquisition date: 28.03.2024 Sample 1941: Material: Graphene (Source: Graphenea Inc. Easy Transfer: Monolayer Graphene on Polymer Film) Grid: custom SiN TEM chip produced by Silson (3x3 Array of 1 µm thick SiN Windows with circular perforations) Electronic Lab Notebook sample ID: 1941 Treatment: * Transferred onto SiN TEM grid using liquid Transfer method * Insertion to UHV System via loadlock including bake * Surface contamination removed inside UHV by cleaning laser * Irradiated by low Energy Ar Plasma (7min) * Removal of mobile contamination via laser heating * Beamshower at -20k for 11min Name of data: * map_2024_03_28_17_46 * map_2024_03_29_12_25 * map_2024_03_29_14_37 Acquisition date: 28.03.2024 and 29.03.2024 Sample 1942: Material: Graphene (Source: Graphenea Inc. Easy Transfer: Monolayer Graphene on Polymer Film) Grid: custom SiN TEM chip produced by Silson (3x3 Array of 1 µm thick SiN Windows with circular perforations) Electronic Lab Notebook sample ID: 1942 Treatment: * Transferred onto SiN TEM grid using liquid Transfer method * Insertion to UHV System via loadlock including bake * Surface contamination removed inside UHV by cleaning laser * Irradiated by low Energy Ar Plasma (10min) * Beamshower at -30k for 20min Name of data: map_2024_04_02_12_34 Acquisition date: 02.04.2024
Keywords (eng)
electron microscopygraphene
Subject (eng)
ÖFOS 2012 -- 103042 -- Electron microscopy
Type (eng)
Persistent identifier
Object type
05.07.2024 01:33:16