Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum
Subtitle (en)
Archaeological investigations of the Roman settlement in the hinterland of Northern Noricum
Subtitle (de)
Archäologische Untersuchungen zur römischen Besiedlung im Hinterland Nord-Noricums
Description (en)
The PhD project "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum" deals with archaeological settlement activities in a precisely defined study area in the northern (today Lower Austrian) hinterland of the former Roman province of Noricum.
Description (en)
The characteristics of the Roman period settlement in the hinterland of certain parts of the former province of Noricum are hardly known for various reasons. Above all, this becomes clear compared with other areas of the Roman Empire, such as the provinces of Raetia or Britannia. From this situation grew the idea to continue the research of rural settlement activities in the northern area of the former Roman province of Noricum in a selected area of investigation by the dissertation project "Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum. Archaeological investigations of Roman settlement in the hinterland of northern Noricum" (RRLN).
Description (en)
Project design:
The project is meant to be a complementary study in landscape archaeology. It aims to shed new light on rural settlements in the study area that have been neglected in archaeological research for various reasons.
The project pursues an inclusive approach: all available archaeological sources should be considered within the ‘area of interest’ (AOI). A further ‘area of special interest’ (AOSI) is defined within the AOI. It is used for studies in settlement archaeology at two exemplary sites (villae rusticae of Oberndorf a. D. Melk in the Melk-valley and Petzenkirchen in the Erlauf-valley). While open geodata is mainly used to analyze the environment, unstructured and heterogeneous archaeological data sets of varying extents are the project’s core.
While the project’s temporal focus lies on the periods of Roman antiquity also, precedent and subsequent periods like the late Latène period (La-Tène D, approx. 150 BC to 15 BC) and the early Middle Ages (post 488 AD) should be taken into account to evaluate the spatial, temporal, and material transformation of the AOI.
Keywords (de)
Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum
Keywords (de)
Area of Special Interest
Keywords (de)
Area of Interest
Keywords (de)
Archäologische Untersuchungen zur römischen Besiedlung im Hinterland Nord-Noricums
Keywords (de)
Keywords (de)
Keywords (de)
räumliche Analysen
Keywords (de)
ländliche Besiedlung
Keywords (de)
ländliche Landschaft
Keywords (de)
Provinzialrömische Archäologie
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Digitale Archäologie
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Materielle Kultur
Keywords (de)